Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Speaks About Reason And Knowledge.

Human beings confront the Absolute with relativity. To us the future is uncertain, unknown. The knowledge that we have and the knowledge that we gain is relative and even ephemeral when the whole time horizon - from the beginning that hath no beginning to the end that hath no end - is kept in mind.

The great classical liberal, addressing the diverse people gathered at Hotel Ansonia,
Broadway and Seventy-third Street in New York on April 17th, 1912, offered the following tidbit of wise perception: "the materialists announce that the criterion and standard of human knowledge is sense perception. Among the Greeks and Romans the criterion of knowledge was reason — that whatever is provable and acceptable by reason must necessarily be admitted as true. A third standard or criterion is the opinion held by theologians that traditions or prophetic statement and interpretations constitute the basis of human knowing. There is still another, a fourth criterion, upheld by religionists and metaphysicians who say that the source and channel of all human penetration into the unknown is through inspiration. Briefly then, these four criteria according to the declarations of men are: first, sense perception; second, reason; third, traditions; fourth, inspiration."
And he goes on: "All human standards of judgment are faulty, finite."
These are only the tools, the means, not the ends. If pride and arrogance prevent these means from being energized with the Holy Spirit then only a lesser degree of perfection is possible.
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