Monday, April 16, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Praises Western Civilization.

Speaking at the Hotel Ansonia, Broadway and Seventy-third Street in New York on April 16th, 1912, he said: "Christ appeared in this world nineteen hundred years ago to establish ties of unity and bonds of love between the various nations and different communities. He cemented together the sciences of Rome and the splendors of the civilization of Greece. He also accomplished affiliation between the Assyrian kingdom and the power of Egypt. The blending of these nations in unity, love and agreement had been impossible, but Christ through divine power established this condition among the children of men." (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 18)

These were the fruits of the divine civilization which appeared on the European continent (Western Civilization) as the message promulgated by the inspired classical liberalism scholars blended together Aristotelian logic and love of humanity and the love of God.

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