Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Liberalism Is What Is Needed" Declares 'Abdu'l-Baha.

As the central theme for the farewell address given to America and published in the Washington DC Star on November 24, 1912 'Abdu'l-Baha declares: "Liberalism is what is needed."
"Praise be to God, the standard of liberty is held aloft in this land. You enjoy political liberty, you enjoy liberty at large of thought, you enjoy religious liberty, and you enjoy racial and sectarian liberty, and you enjoy personal liberty. Surely, this is worth thanksgiving!

As to the warm welcome which has been extended, I wish to reciprocate the same fully and completely.

Surely, men who are leaders of thought should follow the example of those who have welcomed me. Liberalism is what is needed. They must be kind to all nations. They must not be limited, because God is unlimited. The love of God is unlimited. And whoever is the servant of the threshold of God must likewise be free from limitations. The world of existence is an emanation of the merciful attribute of God. God has shone forth upon phenomena through is effulgence of mercy, and He is clement and kind to all of His creation.

Therefore the world of humanity must ever be the recipient of the bounties from His Majesty the Eternal Lord. Even as His Holiness Christ has declared, “Be ye as your Father who is in heaven.” For surely His sun shineth upon the just and upon the unjust."
And then the rest of the farewell address expands upon the spirit of liberalism, infusing it with both logic and an understanding of the power of the spiritual capacity of human beings.

Having this great classical liberal (and the Center of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah) in America for 239 days will be recognized as one of the greatest historical events in the West once mankind awakens from its slumber that is characteristic of these - the Dark Ages of Economics.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

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