Saturday, November 10, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Says Ethical Development Of Humanity Is Dependent On Religion.

Listen to this remarkable exposition given by 'Abdu'l-Baha on November 8, 1912. The talk was given at the Eighth Street Temple Synagogue in Washington, D.C.

Another tidbit, hinting at the origin of Aristotlean logic, that should entice you to read (and or listen) to this talk is (when speaking of the influence of Moses):
"They became renowned throughout the ancient world until finally in the zenith and splendor of their new civilization the glory of the sovereignty of Solomon was attained. Through the guidance and training of Moses these slaves and captives became the dominating people amongst the nations. Not only in physical and military superiority were they renowned, but in all the degrees of arts, letters and refinement their fame was widespread. Even the celebrated philosophers of Greece journeyed to Jerusalem in order to study with the Israelitish sages, and many were the lessons of philosophy and wisdom they received. Among these philosophers was the famous Socrates. He visited the Holy Land and studied with the prophets of Israel, acquiring principles of their philosophical teaching and a knowledge of their advanced arts and sciences. After his return to Greece he founded the system known as the unity of God. The Greek people rose against him, and at last he was poisoned in the presence of the king. Hippocrates and many other Greek philosophers sat at the feet of the learned Israelitish doctors and absorbed their expositions of wisdom and inner truth." (Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 94)

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