Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Distinguishes Between Material Civilization And Divine Civilization.

As a divine economy theorist I am doing whatever I can to educate my fellow human beings about the logic and achievability of the process of advancing civilization.

The great classical liberal that spoke about the difference between the material civilization and the divine civilization came to America 100 years ago.

One of His statements to a newspaper reporter was this:

"In the world of existence, civilization is found to be of two kinds: material civilization and spiritual civilization. Philosophers founded the former while the divine Prophets established the latter. For instance, the philosophers of Greece established a material civilization whereas Christ established a spiritual civilization. Material civilization is the cause of worldly prosperity but divine civilization is the means of eternal prosperity. If divine civilization, which is all-encompassing, is established, then material civilization will also attain perfection. When spiritual perfection is attained, then physical perfection is a certainty. Material civilization alone does not suffice and does not become the means of acquiring spiritual virtues. Rather, it leads to an increase in wars and disputes and becomes the cause of bloodshed and ruin. Despite all this, it is surprising that divine civilization has been completely forgotten and the people are constantly submerged in a sea of materialism. This is why night and day they have no peace and are engaged in war and killing. Every day there is bloodshed and ruin, suffering and distress, preparation for a universal war and the destruction of mankind.

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