Thursday, August 16, 2012

How Does 'Ego-Driven' Differ From Egoistic?

I have never seen 'ego-driven' used except as part of the terminology of the divine economy theory. It is not exactly the same as "ego" as used in psychology or even in the economic literature which implies 'selfish' (often confusing selfishness with the natural right and natural subjectiveness of humans).

Egoistic is a term significantly closer. In the realm of the ethics that humans exhibit as part of their subjective nature the arrogance that convinces someone that they have knowledge (beyond their actual finite abilities) about what is best for others (individuals or even for society) is driven by this conceit, this phantom of their imagination, and it is necessarily ego-driven.

So to answer concerns about parallel terminology I have to mention that unlike contemporary economics or even Austrian economics (but true to much of the literature of classical liberalism) one of the advancements of the divine economy theory is the bridging of ethics and economics (shocking to hear for economists!), and law and economics! Subsequently the terminology used can even be the same but the meanings slightly different, for example, praxeology is the study of purposeful human action to the perceptive ones within the economics profession (subjectivists) and yet in the divine economy theory it is the study of purposeful action by spiritual beings. A slight difference that is packed with oceans of significance.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

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