Friday, December 28, 2012

Is The Economy Sentient?

The economy is not sentient but it does operate by laws understood and not understood. For example, certain aspects of magnetism are well defined but it is still a mystery in many ways. With regards the economy, the economic law that is 'defined' by equilibrium is understood but no one claims to understand it completely. In both cases it may be (I suggest that it is) that these will always be unfolding because we are human and we have finite knowledge and cannot ever completely understand that which is infinite.

And so that which is incomprehensible in totality, or infinite, can just as well be described as divine especially since the creature that is trying to comprehend the creation of the Creator is divine. It is not an unknown concept that human beings are created "in His Image" and are therefore divine. The economy is an institution in the sense that: without the presence of human beings in the world the economy would not exist. Ecology would exist but the economy would not. Humans are part of the ecology because they interact with their surroundings but if there were no humans, yet everything else still existed, the ecological processes would still function. A tree would fall and the change in the microclimate would stimulate more changes. The economy is the process of human actions. Instinctual mutualism that exists in the animal, vegetable or mineral kingdoms are of a lower nature and do not meet the criteria associated with economics.

The two, human beings on the one hand and the economy on the other, are intricately interwoven and inseparable. Both are a reflection of the reality of what a human being is, exactly. And according to the divine economy theory both are divine.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Power Of Love In The Economy.

First it is important to recognize the entrepreneurial spirit in all human beings. It is either active or latent but it alway is there in potential. In the active state it is alertness and searching. What drives this entrepreneurial spirit is the search after truth in whatever form it takes; it could be the truth of a physical law that leads to a better way of doing things, for instance. However it manifests itself, the entrepreneurial search after truth is underlying it. It could be the love of new knowledge, or the love of feeling productive, or the love of making something that benefits others, etc. And so ultimately love reveals the mysteries latent in the universe. This is a microeconomic perspective.

As we know, social cooperation is what humans have historically discovered to be the source of prosperity as is obvious from looking at the advancement of civilization resulting from the division of labor. Can there be any doubt that social cooperation is optimized when love exists between human beings; which then easily translates into a prosperous society when the people of that society show love towards one another? In fact, ultimately, love is the establisher of true civilization and it is what brings about the glory of every high-aiming race and nation. This is the macroeconomic perspective.

In these Dark Ages of Economics we see a lingering nationalism which undermines the power of love and causes the economy to be in a condition of disease and weakness.

To those who do not think economics and ethics are inseparable, no one ever has believed that love is not a part of ethics. But if we know what is good for us no one will any longer believe that love is not a part of economics either.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Concept Of Capital Is Uniquely Human!

The concept of capital is part of the operating system of human beings, it is therefore part of natural law as it pertains to human beings.
Humans intellectually and spiritually try to comprehend the future and although they cannot (naturally they are attracted to the Alpha and the Omega because It transcends this time barrier), they can make some assessment and that is reflected in their time preference and it is time preference which lies at the foundation of the formation of capital.
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Economics And Religion Can And Do Mix, At Last!

Looking to the source of economics - it is the subjective choice of humans; and looking to the source of ethics - it is spiritual education about the beauty of our subjectiveness. In all fairness, economics has been corrupted; ethics has been corrupted; religion has been corrupted. Seeking the essence of each reveals their inseparability! Nothing says that we cannot seek the essence.

When a science emerges that can accomodate all and which can enable the outworn hurdles to fall away, that is a sign that a new era has come. And it is about time for all the silly destructiveness of the Dark Ages of economics to finally come to an end!

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Classical Liberalism Germ Exists In All Faiths.

It is important to draw attention to the need for 'the removal of religious prejudice' from the economic literature associated with classical liberalism. It makes sense historically to regard Christianity as the most favorable to classical liberalism. Of course it is true that its roots are there but it is not true that the essence of classical liberalism did not originate within the other Faiths also. Circumstances were favorable (feudalism) during the evolution of Christianity such that it enabled classical liberalism to significantly influence the shape of civilization, the Western civilization. The classical liberalism seed in the other Faiths was prevented from growing to such a glorious extent but that does not mean that it was not planted or that it did not germinate.

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