Thursday, July 26, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Expounded On Ontology And Natural Law.

If anyone wants a complete picture of what humans "bring to the table" then read this address given by Abdu'l-Baha to the Theosophical Society in Boston, Massachusetts on July 24, 1912.
In the talk Abdu'l-Baha describes the expanded ontological classification used in the divine economy theory and also the potential of the natural characteristics of human beings.

Enjoy the talk even more by listening to it being read as you read along, if you wish.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Division Of Labor And An Ever-Advancing Civilization!

Perfection is relative. In other words humans are finite yet aware of infinity.

That which is infinitely great can be aspired for and each degree of attainment is the launching pad for the next ascent!

It turns out that the divine microeconomy theory proves scientifically that the source of all value is the appearance of the names and attributes of God. For example, a car is powerful and it is the cause of transport so it is valued and sought and it is desired. Yet this is all just relative because it is possible that another car could be made that is more powerful or that transports in a better manner.

Division of labor is specialization of human productive actions to contribute in a special way that refines and improves upon existing production.

Since perfection is relative (but the infinite potential is always there) the infinite pulls on the finite, and since the names and attributes of God that are manifest in 'things' are not finite, the degree of specialization is ever-expanding. The division of labor is relative but it is always driven by the ever-advancing tendencies inherent in the divine economy.

Those who think that the economy has limits do not understand the true capacity of humans nor do they understand the inseparability of the human reality and the economy. Hopefully by understanding the division of labor it will become clear that the economy is abundant beyond our imagination.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Warns About Consequence Of Economic Ignorance.

As recorded in the The Diary of Juliet Thompson (entry date July 12, 1912), the following is attributed to Abdu'l-Baha during his visit in New York City:  "On the way down in the cab the Master talked about economics. "The most important of the questions here," He said, "is the economic question. Until that is first solved nothing can be done. But if it should not be solved there will be riots."

The divine economy theory is part of the solution but whether it becomes known soon enough to prevent the riots is up to you and me to spread awareness of this new economic theory.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Great Classical Liberal Expands The Ontological Realm.

Speaking along the lines of classical liberalism natural law on July 6th, 1912 Abdu'l-Baha described the full nature of human beings: "When we ponder over the reality of the microcosm, we discover that in the microcosm there are deposited three realities. Man is endowed with an outer or physical reality. It belongs to the material realm, the animal kingdom, because it has sprung from the material world. This animalistic reality of man he shares in common with the animals.

The human body is like animals subject to nature's laws. But man is endowed with a second reality, the rational or intellectual reality; and the intellectual reality of man predominates over nature.

All these sciences which we enjoy were the hidden and recondite secrets of nature, unknowable to nature, but man was enabled to discover these mysteries, and out of the plane of the unseen he brought them into the plane of the seen.

Yet there is a third reality in man, the spiritual reality. Through its medium one discovers spiritual revelations, a celestial faculty which is infinite as regards the intellectual as well as physical realms. That power is conferred upon man through the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is an eternal reality, an indestructible reality, a reality belonging to the divine, supernatural kingdom; a reality whereby the world is illumined, a reality which grants unto man eternal life. This third, spiritual reality it is which discovers past events and looks along the vistas of the future. It is the ray of the Sun of Reality. The spiritual world is enlightened through it, the whole of the Kingdom is being illumined by it. It enjoys the world of beatitude, a world which had not beginning and which shall have no end.

That celestial reality, the third reality of the microcosm, delivers man from the material world. Its power causes man to escape from nature's world. Escaping, he will find an illuminating reality, transcending the limited reality of man and causing him to attain to the infinitude of God, abstracting him from the world of superstitions and imaginations, and submerging him in the sea of the rays of the Sun of Reality."

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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Great Classical Liberal Restates Classical Liberalism Roots.

After perhaps centuries of a slow migration away from an important foundation of classical liberalism it is time to recapture one of the most glorious aspects of this scientific tradition. To see clearly the economics of this orientation I suggest that you read about the divine economy theory.

To get acquainted with the glorious theme that transforms individuals and civilization listen to this talk given by 'Abdu'l-Baha on July 6th, 1912 at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York: "Is it not astonishing that although man has been created for the knowledge and love of God, for the virtues of the human world, for spirituality, heavenly illumination and life eternal, nevertheless he continues ignorant and negligent of all this? Consider how he seeks knowledge of everything except knowledge of God. For instance, his utmost desire is to penetrate the mysteries of the lowest strata of the earth. Day by day he strives to know what can be found ten metres below the surface, what he can discover within the stone, what he can learn by archaeological research in the dust. He puts forth arduous labors to fathom terrestrial mysteries but is not at all concerned about knowing the mysteries of the Kingdom, traversing the illimitable fields of the eternal world, becoming informed of the divine realities, discovering the secrets of God, attaining the knowledge of God, witnessing the splendors of the Sun of Truth and realizing the glories of everlasting life. He is unmindful and thoughtless of these. How much he is attracted to the mysteries of matter and how completely unaware he is of the mysteries of divinity! Nay, he is utterly negligent and oblivious of the secrets of divinity. How great his ignorance! How conducive to his degradation! It is as if a kind and loving father had provided a library of wonderful books for his son in order that he might be informed of the mysteries of creation; at the same time surrounding him with every means of comfort and enjoyment; but the son amuses himself with pebbles and playthings, neglectful of all his father's gifts and provision. How ignorant and heedless is man! The Father has willed for him glory eternal and he is content with blindness and deprivation. The Father has built for him a royal palace but he is playing with the dust; prepared for him garments of silk but he prefers to remain unclothed; provided for him delicious foods and fruits while he seeks sustenance in the grasses of the field."  (Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 64)

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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