Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Statism Uses Ego-Driven Interpretation To Grow The State.

Although the State relies heavily on ego-driven interpreters it is driven mostly by ego-driven interventionists. Religion, on the other hand, has been riddled (literally) with ego-driven interpretation.

"Can it really be that simple?" Simple is something like: the Sun comes up and it is daytime. That which is ego-driven is hidden, hiding in the shadows. It is not simple; but we are fortunate to have minds that can go well beyond the simple.

It is not simple to find classical liberalism in the mud and muck of the indoctrination of the State. Nor is it simple to remove the veils that mask the religious prejudices promulgated by, on one end, and also created by the ego-driven interpreters, on the other.

"And, if Islam prevails you won't be able to stay out of the way." It is the corrupt combination of ego-driven interpretation of religion, and the State (ego-driven intervention to amass more power) that is bowling over societies and destroying societies. U.S. imperialism towing along anti-Islam is one example that is as clear as day to those who have recognized how the State uses religion (and the media and the education system, etc.) to serve its purposes.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Ego-Driven Use Holy Days To Pervert Civilization!

Hark the herald . . .

Is there any mystery why the ego-driven interventionists thrust their spears into the hearts of the unsuspecting during this time of year?

Are these not the consequences of disregarding the spirit of alertness that is innate in us as humans? What vile things happen to those who act as fools and allow the ego-driven interventionists and the ego-driven interpreters to act as wolves in shepherd's clothing?

Alertness requires us to scorn the ego-driven interpreters. Then the discoveries that we make because we are alert (and freed from the interpretations of the ego-driven) clearly reveal that the ego-driven interventionists are satanic in nature, that is, ignorant and oppressive.

The opposite of what these charlatans are doing is the approximation of what is the true pattern for the divine civilization. Therefore refinement of classical liberalism is the correct pathway to follow.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Subjectivism Powerfully Illuminates New Territories!

'Ego-driven interventionism' is not a catch phrase. If someone is just beginning to encounter the classical liberalism literature and comes upon 'time preference' and because they do not quite grasp its meaning calls it a catch phrase, that is a misunderstanding. Likewise to some - and I grant this much - the term 'ego-driven interventionism' may sound like a catch phrase but it is not. There are two destroyers of civilization that have been identified in the divine economy theory and they are: ego-driven intervention and ego-driven interpretation.

I do not think that it is necessary for a person to know anything about the divine economy theory to recognize the meaning behind these two (new) terms.

And a second point of clarification: It is easy to misunderstand the meaning of the divine economy theory if you don't know what it is. If a person recognized that humans have a physical body like an animal but did not want to acknowledge the intellectual distinction then there would be a significant limitation to any scientific pursuit by that individual. It follows then that denying that the human spirit is a part of the human reality also puts limits on scientific discovery.

The divine economy theory is purely scientific even if such a thing does not seem possible to those who have preconceived thoughts about what 'divine' means. Unless the subjectivist methodology is incorrect, it is not correct to think that the divine economy theory is not scientific.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.